Meeting Presentations

What is a feasibility study?

The feasibility and alternatives analysis report will provide a series of options for the Town to consider for the dam and powerhouse. For each alternative option, the report will summarize factors including timely and effective fish passage, upfront and life costs, constructability, operation and maintenance requirements, compliance with state and federal regulations, public safety and liability, and enhancement of public amenities in the historic Dover-Foxcroft Downtown and Mill District Corridor and Gateway.
Report Schedule
March 2023 - basemap of existing conditions
June 2023 - draft preliminary screening matrix table of feasible options
September 2023 – final existing conditions report
October 2023 - draft feasibility and alternatives report
November 2023 - steering committee will select a preferred alternative
December 2023 - update to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
February 2024 - final report to the Select Board
The agreement between the Town and ASF only commits both entities to completing the feasibility study through to the selection of a final project design and the final report. Support for future phases of work is contingent upon the outcome of this process and will be determined in the future.

How will the options be compared to one another?

Options will be compared against each other in an alternative evaluation matrix which will qualitatively score the ability of each combination to achieve the goal and objectives established for the study. These
measurements are expected to include factors such as:
• Feasibility and reliability of implementation
• Initial project cost
• Project life span costs
• Likely long-term operation and maintenance obligation
• Consistency with established downtown planning goals
• Water level impacts
• Estimated fish passage efficiency
• Regulatory compliance
• Likely availability of external funding
• Historical acknowledgement
• Public/recreational access and amenity
• Educational Value
• Aesthetics
• Economic development potential